Saturday, July 10, 2010

Why Are You Leaving?

Obviously, an explanation is in order.
Why are you leaving to go to this strange place called "Giggleswick"?
(Also, my current location on my profile IS Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, but I shall be changing this when I arrive in the UK.)

I am leaving for the following reasons:
- I want to get into a good university in the UK.
- I don't have good grades at ISKL at the moment.
- I need a new environment.
- I'm not the person I want to be, and I don't feel like I can change that by staying in the same place. I suppose that warrants further explanation:

I want to be more assertive and take control of my life in a way that I will make all the decisions about my future. I want to be assertive enough that when I want something, I will go out and get it and nothing will stand in my way. I'm not that person at the moment. At the moment, I just let life happen to me. That has to stop.

Also, I just saw my grades from last semester, which I posted on a different blog which is currently closed. I was complaining about my grades. I look back and I wish I had those grades currently. I'm supposed to improve with each school year aren't I?

I couldn't cope with doing 5 million different things all at once, I need more focus. I know what I want and like to do and I wanted to run with it. I couldn't really do that at ISKL: They like you to be "well-rounded". I think that is a bunch of crap. And now, I am gone, going.

I shall see you all at my leaving party which I have yet to plan, and really need to desperately start planning before its too late.

Signing Off.

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