Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 5

It honestly feels like two seconds since I last wrote on this blog. Obviously it isn't. But that's what it feels like.

I got in trouble with a teacher, which wasn't good. Basically I turned up to History with Ms. Coward (Henry VIII and the Reformation) without my presentation for history done. She gave the class this lecture about turning up with homework not done and said that she didn't give Lower Sixth's detention but if she felt that we were letting the group down when it came to presentations that she would give Lower Sixth's detention but she said that until tomorrow she was going to give us an 'amnesty period' as she called it. Which is all fair enough. It was a wake up call though. I then went into complete hyper-focus that night working on the presentation for two and half hours straight.

Hyper-focus, by the way, for readers (AKA: Linden) that don't know, is a sympton of ADD/ADHD. Basically its the ability to focus one thing, which you have a high level of interest in, for long periods of time but with a complete disregard for everything else, such as other homework, homework in general, or relationship and sometimes even hygeine. Hyper-focus can be used in a very positive way, such as when I used it in order to finish my History homework.

I am looking at trying to figure out how I can deal without being on medication and that is one of the things which I am looking at utilising. That and I've realised that when I don't hear something in class, I need to ask the teacher what they just said even if it makes me look like a complete idiot because she/he just said it and everyone else heard. So I'm working on that too. I think I'll probably have to inform my teachers that I have an attention deficit because at the moment they don't know and when it affects my attention or homework or when I say something incredibly socially awkward, the teachers don't know that these are all symptoms of my attention deficit. I also need to explain to them that I will try to work on all of these things but for now a bit of leeway would be incredibly helpful. BUT, at the same time I don't want to wind up blaming everything on ADD because that would be a lie.

I'm thinking I want to become a music teacher. Music is my favourite class at the moment, and when I thought about it, I realised 'It's been staring me in the face this whole time.' That would mean doing a Music degree and then doing teacher training after that. I really like the idea at the moment, but you know me and careers, I get an idea in my head and I really like it for about a month or two, and then I think of something else and I move onto that. When it comes to sending in applications for universities, Ms. Coward (who is also head of careers) is going to have a hard time with me.

I don't know if I've told any of you this, but I get to have a tutor in Giggleswick and I have to choose who I want to be my tutor. At the moment I am thinking about 4 people. Mrs. Farmer, one of my English teachers, I was really keen on choosing her to be my tutor when I was certain that I wanted to do English at university, but now that I'm not sure, I don't really want her to be my tutor anymore. I'm really glad she's my English teacher, but she has a bit of an abrasive personality. On the other hand, she could be what I need to keep me in line with work, but as I say, I'm not sure yet. The other 3 people I want to be my tutors are Mr. Everhart, one of my music teachers. I'm fairly sure he has an attention deficit which I could use to my advantage, in that he'd understand where I was coming from with all of the symptoms,where someone without ADD wouldn't. Ms. Lindley, one of my Drama teachers, but I'm not sure she would accept now to be honest... (I'll take more with you about that privately Linden.) Ms. Coward, because she really gave me a wake-up call in class the other day, and I really appreciate it. Plus, I just generally think she's a nice person. And, not saying this is a reason (IT IS), but having the head of careers be your tutor can be very useful. Tutors help you with university stuff and that would come in handy. It's not a reason (IT IS), but it would be a really nice perk that would come with having her as a tutor (BAHAHAHAHAHAHA, ITS THE MAIN REASON, DON'T LISTEN TO HER).

Pardon the schizophrenic moment there...

Anyway, I think I'm done babbling now.

Signing out,

Geraldine M.

Song for the Week (YAY!) :

I think, I love by Jamie Cullum

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